
Content strategist, UX writer, content designer — at parties, I just tell people that I put the right words in the right places.



Robin Healthcare

If you have the password, check out what I worked on at Robin Healthcare.

Hasbro Gaming

They say work can’t be all fun and games. They’re wrong.

I wrote package copy, instructions, and card content and observed user testing for all of these. (I try not to play favorites, but sliding all of my family’s favorite lines into Monopoly Pixar was, well, incredible.) If you have the secret password, you can peek inside.

And here’s what goes into making a board game.



At PillPack, I revamped emails in our Onboarding and Billing product workflows. I also wrote podcast ads that Gilbert Gottfried (RIP) read. Dreams do come true.

Here’s the workflow for customers who use PillPack for prescription medication. (This is the easy stuff.)

And this is the less-fun workflow for when customers are missing information.

For PillPack’s web revamp, I designed a personalization quiz to show users PillPack’s full offering.





